developer documentation v0.0.27
mimik Developer Documentation



The objective of this tutorial is to be a QuickStart that demonstrates how to deploy an edge microservice onto a Linux computer. The code for the edge microservice you're going to deploy is predefined and made available as an open source project on GitHub.

MAC USERS BE ADVISED: In order to run this tutorial on a computer running the Macintosh operating system, you need to install the version of the edgeEngine runtime specifically targeted for MacOS.

You can downland the latest version of the edgeEngine runtime by going to this web page.

Take the hands-on lesson for this tutorial

All the content presented in this tutorial is available in our hands-on interactive learning environment which you can access here or by clicking on the figure below.

Link to Instruqt

Intended Readers

The intended readers of this document are developers familiar with executing tasks for the Linux operating system at the command line. For example, the reader should be able to execute a git command set to clone source code from the Git repository.

What You'll Be Doing

In this QuickStart, you'll learn how to get up and running with an edgeEngine by installing it and then creating a microservice that runs under edgeEngine. The microservice you're going to deploy will output the string, Hello World when called using the curl command from a terminal window.

In order to get up and running with QuickStart, you'll take the following steps:

  • Install Node.JS jq and yq
  • Install the edgeEngine Runtime
  • Install the mimik Command Line Interface tool
  • Create a mimik Account
  • Create a mimik Project
  • Create a Developer ID Token
  • Create an Access Token
  • Associate the Access Token
  • Prepare for the edgeEngine microservice deployment
  • Deploy the edgeEngine Image
  • Deploy the edgeEngine Container
  • Exercise the edgeEngine Microservice

The details of each of these steps are described in the sections that follow.

Install Node.JS jq and yq

The jq and yq utilities will make it easier to configure your programming environment to install an edgeEngine microservice. The jq utility is used to parse JSON data. The yq utility is used to part YAML data.

To install jq and yq on a computer running Ubuntu, execute the following commands in the terminal window:

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install jq yq -y

To install jq and yq on a computer running Fedora or RHEL, execute the following commands in the terminal window:

sudo dnf update -y
sudo dnf install jq yq -y

Technical Prerequisites

The technical prerequisites for this tutorial are as follows:

  • The development computer needs to be running Linux with nodejs, npm and git installed
  • The development computer needs to have curl installed on it
  • You need to have a working knowledge of using the npm package management system

Install the edgeEngine Runtime

Step 1: Open a terminal window and then execute the command below to download the Edge Engine for Ubuntu using wget


Step 2: Unzip the .tar file in the terminal window:

tar xvf edgeEngine-SE-Linux-x86-v3.0.0.tar

Step 3: Navigate to the unzipped folder:

cd edgeEngine-SE-Linux-x86-v3.0.0

Step 4: Start the edgeEngine Runtime in the background of the terminal window

nohup ./ &

You'll get the following output:

nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out'

Install the mimik Command Line Interface tool

Step 1: Run the following command in the terminal windows to install the Command Line Interface tool.

npm install -g @mimik/mimik-edge-cli

Step 2: After the installation of the Command Line Interface tool process completes, run the following command to confirm installation:

mimik-edge-cli account get-me | jq .

You'll get output similar to the following:

1: {
2: "accountId": "",
3: "linkLocalIp": "",
4: "name": "intro-mimik-vm",
5: "nodeId": "12ce288c119376c76f110fb84f83fd78922059a421ac65df9cd444d1",
6: "supernodeTypeName": "_mk-v15-4996e4c2442cc796f2c0ddb4e5e1627d._tcp",
7: "version": "v3.0.0"
8: }

Notice that the property accountId does not have a value. This is because this instance of the edgeEngine Runtime has not been associated with an edge account. In order to associate the edgeEngine Runtime with an account we need to generate an Access Token which we'll do next.

Create a mimik Account

In order to work with edgeEngine you need to have an account on mimik. An account makes you known to the mimik platform and makes it so your edgeEngine microservice can work with others on the mimik network in a peer-to-peer manner. The following steps show you how to create an account on mimik website using the Developer Console.

Step 1: In a separate web browser, go to the Developer Console by clicking on the link below:

Step 2: You will be presented with the mimik Developer login dialog. If you don't have a developer account, create one on mimik by clicking the Create Account button as shown in the illustration below.

Developer Account

And then enter your email address and password. Confirm your password and click the Create Account button as shown in the figure below.

Create Account

Otherwise, log in by entering the email address and password pair associated with your Developer account. Once you have a mimik account, you'll need to create a mimik Project.

Create a mimik Project

A mimik Project is a mechanism you'll use to organize your edgeEngine microservices together. The following steps show you how to create a mimik Project.

Step 1: In the mimik Developer Console, you can choose to create an Edge Project or a Hybrid Project. The scope of this track is to create an Edge Project. Click the block for Edge Project as shown at callout (1) in the figure below.

Create Project

The dialog to create a new Edge project will appear.

Step 2: Enter the name of the project in the Project Name text box and then click the Create button as shown in the figure below.

Enter project name

Next, you'll create a Developer ID token.

Create a Developer ID Token

You'll use the Developer ID token to get an Association Token from the mimik backend. You can think of an Association Token as a token that associates the Developer ID to the given microservice. The following steps show you how to create a Developer ID token.

Step 1: Go back to the web page for the Edge project you created in the Developer Console and click the button, Get ID Token as shown at callout (1) in the figure below.

Get ID Token

Step 2: A very long character based token will appear as shown at callout (2) in the figure above. Click the icon on the right side of generated ID token as shown below ...

Copy to Clipboard

... to copy the Developer ID to the clipboard as shown at callout (3).

Next, we need to assign the value of the Developer ID Token to an environment variable named, DEVELOPER_ID_TOKEN.

Step 3: To set the Developer ID Token to an environment variable special to this instance of QuickStart, execute the following command:


WHERE <DEVELOPER_ID_TOKEN> is the Developer ID token you copied from the Developer Console.

Now it's time to create the Access Token.

Create an Access Token

Step 1: Confirm that the environment variable, DEVELOPER_ID_TOKEN exists and that it has the value of the current Developer ID Token. Execute the following command:


You'll see output similar to the following:


If the environment variable DEVELOPER_ID_TOKEN is not in force, go back to the previous step and create it.

Step 2: To get an Access Token, execute the following command in the terminal window:

mimik-edge-cli account get-edge-access-token -t $DEVELOPER_ID_TOKEN | jq . > accesstoken.json

Next, we need to assign the value of the generated Access Token to an environment variable named, ACCESS_TOKEN.

Step 3: To set the Access Token to an environment variable named, ACCESS_TOKEN execute the following task in the terminal window

export ACCESS_TOKEN=$(cat accesstoken.json | jq '.access_token')

Step 4: Strip out unnecessary quotation marks

export ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo "$ACCESS_TOKEN" | tr -d '"')

Step 5: Confirm the value of the environment variable ACCESS_TOKEN


You'll get output similar to the following:


You'll be using the environment variable, ACCESS_TOKEN.

Next, we need to associate the Access Token to the mimik account

Associate the Access Token

Step 1: Execute the following command using the environment variable ACCESS_TOKEN you created in the last topic.

mimik-edge-cli account associate -t $ACCESS_TOKEN | jq .

You'll get output similar to the following:

1: {
2: "result": {
3: "accountId": "2814304805192601600"
4: },
5: "status": "successfully associated"
6: }

You have now associated the generated Edge Access Token with your mimik account. Next, we'll make preparations for the edgeEngine microservice deployment.

Prepare for the edgeEngine microservice deployment

Step 1: Execute the following command in the terminal window to get the microservice source code from GitHub

git clone

Step 2: Navigate to the cloned code's working directory:

cd ./starter-microservice

Step 3: Install the edgeEngine microservice's dependencies:

npm install

Step 4: Build the edgeEngine microservice by executing the following command:

npm run build

Step 5: Package the edgeEngine microservice by executing the following command and storing the output in the file named packageinfo.text:

npm run package > packageinfo.txt

Step 6: Take a look at the contents of packageinfo.txt:

cat packageinfo.txt

You'll get output similar to the following:

output: .generated-9vcmev9z77/repositories
output: .generated-9vcmev9z77/c9ebbb58695b4894964f67558e9aabad2bbf21bb542a9798e0453179bc139a3b/json
output: .generated-9vcmev9z77/c9ebbb58695b4894964f67558e9aabad2bbf21bb542a9798e0453179bc139a3b/VERSION
output: layer.tar
output: .generated-9vcmev9z77/bef09a33c835239d7cd812ccfc7b6a1a718126f4bc09cc596abdf5080b3ae364.json
output: .generated-9vcmev9z77/manifest.json
output: ./build/microservice-v1-1.0.0.tar

Notice that the last line of the file shown above is as follows:

output: ./build/microservice-v1-1.0.0.tar

This is the image for the edgeEngine microservice. You'll need the location when it comes time to deploy the image.

Step 7: Extract the location of the .tar file as declared in the last line of packageinfo.txt and store the location in the environment variable $MS_PATH


STR=$( tail -n 1 packageinfo.txt )


export BUILD_PATH=${STR#"output: ."}

(c) Confirm the BUILD_PATH environment variable


You'll get output similar to the following:


Step 8: Create an environment variable that describes the full path to the microservice


export MS_PATH=$(pwd)$BUILD_PATH


Confirm the build path:

echo $MS_PATH

You'll get output similar to the following:


The command set, npm run package created the .tar file and put it in the folder, build. The file, microservice-v1-1.0.0.tar represents the packaged microservice. In the next step, you'll deploy this microservice to run under edgeEngine.

Deploy the edgeEngine Image

Step 1: From within the source code working directory, execute the following command in the terminal window to navigate to the build directory.

cd ./build

Step 2: Confirm the build path environment variable that you created previously:

echo $MS_PATH

Step 3: Using the mimik-edge-cli tool, deploy the edgeEngine image by executing the following command. The output will save to a file named, imageDeploy.json.

mimik-edge-cli image deploy --image=$MS_PATH --token=$ACCESS_TOKEN 2>&1 | tee imageDeploy.json

Step 4: Verify the output:

cat imageDeploy.json | jq .

You'll get output similar to the following. Notice the confirmation the property status has the value "successfully deployed".

"created": 1657763518,
"digest": "sha265:cbf24c8a47871b6efd871c7cac1d3ae02e78346f7db6e9807293534b7b8d3c3c",
"id": "bb6fba7d-6321-41c5-ac37-1a7a8a9a4ac0-microservice-v1",
"name": "microservice-v1",
"repoTags": [
"size": 75393,
"status": "successfully deployed"

Step 5: Extract the name of the microservice from the file imageDeploy.json and store the value in an environment variable named, MS_IMAGE_NAME.

export MS_IMAGE_NAME=$(cat imageDeploy.json | jq .name | tr -d '"')

Step 6: Verify the value of MS_IMAGE_NAME


The value of MS_IMAGE_NAME should match the value of the name property displayed in the output shown in Step 4 above.

You have created and deployed the edgeEngine Image for the starter-microservice.

Now we'll create a container based on that image.

Deploy the edgeEngine Container

Step 1: Navigate back to the source code working directory of the QuickStart project

cd ..

Step 2: Verify that the environment variables that you need in order to create the payload file for the edgeEngine microservice are in force:





Step 3: Remove the default start.json file, you'll be creating a new one.

rm start.json

Step 4: Create the payload file named start.json by executing the following cat command in the terminal window:


cat >> start.json << EOF
"name": "$MS_IMAGE_NAME",
"image": "$MS_IMAGE_NAME",
"env": {
"MCM.BASE_API_PATH": "/helloworld/v1/",

(b) Verify the contents of start.json

cat start.json

You'll see output similar to the following:

"name": "microservice-v1",
"image": "microservice-v1",
"env": {
"MCM.BASE_API_PATH": "/helloworld/v1/",

Step 5: Deploy the container and store the output in the file named containerDeploy.yaml:

mimik-edge-cli container deploy --payload start.json --token=$ACCESS_TOKEN > containerDeploy.json

Step 6: Verify the output from the container deployment and also remove the escape characters for coloring the output:

cat containerDeploy.json | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,3}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[mGK]//g" | jq .

You'll get output similar to the following:

"clientId": "bb6fba7d-6321-41c5-ac37-1a7a8a9a4ac0",
"created": 1657764238695,
"env": {
"MCM.BASE_API_PATH": "/bb6fba7d-6321-41c5-ac37-1a7a8a9a4ac0/helloworld/v1",
"id": "bb6fba7d-6321-41c5-ac37-1a7a8a9a4ac0-microservice-v1",
"image": "microservice-v1",
"imageId": "bb6fba7d-6321-41c5-ac37-1a7a8a9a4ac0-microservice-v1",
"name": "microservice-v1",
"state": "started"

Step 7: Extract the value for MCM.BASE_API_PATH from the output and store it in an environment variable BASE_API_PATH:

export BASE_API_PATH=$(cat containerDeploy.json | jq .env| jq '."MCM.BASE_API_PATH"' | tr -d '"')

Next, you'll exercise the edgeEngine microservice you just got up and running.

Exercise the edgeEngine Microservice

Step 1: Verify the path to the microservice endpoint as stored in the environment variable BASE_API_PATH:


Step 2: Create an environmental variable named MY_MICROSERVICE_URL that will describe the URL for the microservice you just created

export MY_MICROSERVICE_URL=http://localhost:8083$BASE_API_PATH/



Step 4: Make a call to the microservice using the curl command:


You'll get the following output:

Hello World!


You've complete the QuickStart! You've learned to download edgeEngine as well as the CLI tool. You learned how to create an account and get a Developer ID token. You built an edgeEngine Image and deployed the Image and an edgeEngine Container using the mimik-edge-cli tool.

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